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Uma luz da janela única cortava a escuridão azul e iluminava suavemente o rosto choroso da moça deitada na rede, e braços e pernas e pés dos familiares e bebuns recém chegados. Se havia aflição ela era contida, para mim transparecia resignação. Tampouco havia zum zum zum, perguntas nervosas por uma resposta impossível, havia silêncio, um compasso de espera pelo que o tempo haveria de dizer.

A light coming from a lonely window cut through the blue darkness of the room and softly iluminated the weeping face of the girls lying in the hammock, and the arms and legs, and feet, of the newly arrived family and drunks. If there were anxiety or despair, they were restrained, to me it felt like resignation. There was no buzz, no nervous questions seeking an impossible answer, there was a patient silence, a steady beat as they waited what time would tell